Monday, January 19, 2009

After Surgery

I just had surgery and I have a mouth now! I am in my little hospital bed right now and I will have to stay in the hospital for 2 days for recovery but I love my mouth! Luckily they put me to sleep during surgery so I didn't feel the pain but after surgery my mouth hurt like crazy but I am okay now! In the picture that is me with my new mouth in my hospital bed!

Mouth Surgery

OMG! I am so afraid because I am just about to have mouth surgery I am going to have a mouth drawed on my face I have heared it is really painful but it is worth it because than I can be polite and smile! Well I gotta go have mouth surgery. That is a picture of me right now in a wheelchair heading for surgery!


I really like books my favorite is the Pippi Longstocking series i am on the second Pippi Longstocking book right now! My owner makes little magazines for me and they are awesome! On the magazines are pictures of pet rocks in nice poses and I really want to get on the front by doing aa nice pose!

Here is me with some books!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


I LOVE lifesavers! The first time I had one I went completely crazy it was so good! I eat at least one a day or I get mad and go all goofy. My favorite kind is pineapple. I think i'm part lifesaver because I like them so much!

All about Dazzle

Hi this is Dazzle the pet rock! This is a blog all about me! I really love my owner! Here is some info about me: I LOVE lifesavers! My favorite is pineapple. My favorite color is light pink. I like dancing, playing outside, going down a slide, having parties, being pampered be my owner, and spending time with my owner. My best friend is called Lilly. That is all about me!